Catnip has the same effect as cat grass and silver vine

The Nepeta Cataria can be introduced to the cat in various ways, it can be incorporated into toys to make catnip toys, it can be added to the cats food, mat or scratching pole. Whatever the case, how do you grow this plant, how do you prepare it for storage and then use.

Catnip is native to Europe. It is sold ready made, many cat owners however prefer to self cultivate it. It can be cultivated in gardens or in pots and fed fresh to the cat. If your cat does not care for fresh catnip, it can be dried and stored. The mode of propagation is through the seed. You can also get pre-started plants. Catnip thrives well on flower beds, they blend well with other plants.

Catnip is a perennial plant so it’s important to site it somewhere permanent. Catnip can also grow in flower pots. They bloom late summer, they bloom white or purple. Catnip requires lots of sun. You can’t go wrong with catnip, they are mostly self sufficient.

Ideally, catnip seeds should be exposed to a period of cold before they’re planted. That means placing seed packets in your freezer for a few weeks. Or, if you live in a climate with relatively cold spring temperatures, simply plant seeds outside as early in the season as possible. Once soil temperatures reach 60 to 70 degrees, your seedlings should sprout.


At maturity, catnip can grow as tall as 3 feet. The roots should be left intact. Almost every part of the catnip is edible, from the flower to the leaves and even the stem and it can be eaten at any time. It is however strongest when it’s flowering. The advantage of dried over fresh is that, when it is dried, it is easy to incorporate into cat toys, it is also a means of preserving it.

Methods of drying

Drying could be done by hanging, oven and by a dehydrator.


The plant should be cut when they reach maximum size. Try as much as possible to prune, this will encourage further growth. Harvesting for drying should be done early in the morning. Cut the leaves with the stems, tie them together and hang them upside-down in a warm dark room. The plant is ready to use when the leaves start to crumble. Remove and store in an air tight container.


For oven drying, put the harvested leaves in the oven and reduce it to the barest minimum. Leave it until the leaves start to crumble.

Things to note
The catnip spreads readily that it’s considered a nuisance plant—particularly in protected natural areas. You can forage wild catnip growing in fields and along forests—provided it hasn’t been treated with herbicides or insecticides. catnip can attract outdoor cats, avoid placing it near bird feeders, nest boxes or bird baths in order to help reduce bird predation.