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Our catnip is fresh, potent and organically grown in USA. Offered in a variety of formats, sizes and packaging to meet all your catnip needs!
Catnip AKA Nepeta cataria is a plant native to Europe and is quite easy to grow. This strange plant is called catnip because it affects only cats. The plant produces a chemical called nepetalactone in microscopic bulbs as the plant grows, these bulbs rupture and release the nepetalactone into the air. This plant also belongs to the mint family.
How does catnip affect cats?
Once the nepetalactone is released into the air and the cat inhales it — whether from a live plant, dried plant material, or an oil extract. The chemical attaches itself to receptors inside the cat’s nose, which stimulate sensory neurons leading into the brain. This alters activity in several areas of the brain, including the olfactory bulb, the amygdala, and the hypothalamus.
This last area is involved in regulating animal behavior and emotions, no wonder the effect of inhaling it are euphoria, ecstasy and hyperactivity. The silver vine (Actinidia polygama) produces the same reaction with more intensity. The cat grass (dactylis glomerata) is also known to satisfy a cats craving to chew. The smell of the catnip actually attracts the cat, he chews and scratches the plant until it releases the pheromone into the air.
Facts to note about catnip
They do not affect all cats, some cats are actually immune to catnip. A cat below 6 month is not usually affected. Only about 80 percent of cats are affected.
Catnip also affect some big cats like tiger and lion. The effect of euphoria lasts only for about 10 minutes. Catnip is completely safe for cats, you don’t have to be concerned about addiction, it is totally non-addictive. Over use can however cause excessive drooling, diarrhea and vomiting. Humans have been known to make tea with catnip, it can also be used as medicinal herbs.
Catnip is easy to grow. It is a perennial crop and it comes back yearly. It can be preserved in the freezer. When a cat inhales catnip too often, it looses its effect on him. Cat owners are advised to give it to them in controlled doses. Once every week is advisable.
When cats and dogs live together for instance, dogs could bring with them the oil from the catnip, the cats attracted by the smell may go near the dogs trying to sniff, chew or roll over them, this behavior might agitate the dogs causing them to react, sometimes violently
Uses of catnip
Catnip can be used for animal training. Many cat owners have realized that cats respond to catnip time and time again, it has therefore been used to train cats. For example a cat who is fond of clawing at the sofa can be trained to claw at something else -may be a scratching post. A cat can also be trained to use his cat bed by rubbing catnip on it. This is basic psychology at play almost like Pablo’s classical conditioning, associating a pleasant experience with a set of behaviour.
It is used as a reward system. Cats who have refused to have responded positively when catnip is added to their food. Catnip toys is made from catnip, providing indoor recreation for the cat
Side effects
Care should be taken and cat owners should closely examine their cats for aggressive behavior especially in male cats when it is mating season. They should also be closely watched for unhappiness and discomfort. Care should be taken by cat owners, examine your cats, if the above behaviors are noticed, catnip should be stopped. Observe your -cat’s reaction while giving him little doses of catnip overtime.