Catnip or Nepeta Cataria, is an herbaceous plant of the mint family.

Once this plant matures, and is touched or troubled it releases a chemical into the air. The cat’s most sensitive sense is its sense of smell. When the gas is inhaled its effect on cats is said to be similar to that of some mind-altering drugs. Most cats who sniff the plant will experience ecstasy, hyperactivity, and general happiness. They might roll around, or run around the house. Catnip is natural, completely safe and non-addictive fun for cats.

How does catnip consumption affect the general behavior of the cat?

Cats are social beings, they play but sleep more. An average cat sleeps up to 15 hours in a day.

Catnip doesn’t affect all cats the same way?

According to acclaimed cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy, Some cats will sit in a big pile of the dried herb and simply drool, eyes glazed over, while others get completely hyper for a while, running laps throughout the house. Although not all cats are responsive to catnip, it’s estimated that up to 80 percent of cats do feel the elated effect that lasts between five and 15 minutes.

Catnip is a healthy and fun treat for your cat. Sprinkle the dried leaves in areas you want your cat to be interested in, or spray liquid catnip on a favorite toy. Cats (who have the genetic receptors to feel the effects of catnip) are drawn to the smell and enjoy rolling, chewing and sometimes eating it. It is estimated that cats can smell catnip at a ratio of 1:1 billion in the air. It doesn’t take much to stimulate cat’s senses, and keep in mind that a little bit goes a long way with catnip. They will enjoy it for up to 15 minutes before their senses have had enough and they won’t be able to catch that buzz again for a few hours. If there are multiple cats, make sure there is enough to go around to avoid any competition for the catnip.

How does catnip affect an aggressive cat?

In the world of cat personalities, some cats are just bullies. They are the ones that trouble always seems to follow and that find themselves in conflict with other animals in the house. Giving catnip to aggressive cats can make them grumpy and lead to aggression under the wrong circumstances. It’s as if their inhibitions, for that brief window of intoxication, have been completely dropped, and they feel like they can get away with anything.

How do cats behave when they are given too much of catnip. When it comes to catnip, there can be too much of a good thing. Catnip is fun for a while, but too much exposure to catnip can make your cat cranky or even nauseous. There is no chance of your cat overdosing on catnip. It is completely nontoxic, and if a cat looks like she’s had too much, simply take the catnip or catnip toy away from her. She’ll be back to herself in no time.

What about cats who are not affected by catnip?

Many cat owners know that not all cats are susceptible to catnip. Roughly 20 percent of cats lack an attraction to catnip. Furthermore, kittens (less than 8 weeks old) and senior cats tend not to respond as much, or at all, to catnip. Test your cat’s attraction to catnip before going out of your way to buy catnip-infused products. For cats like this, you may want to consider cat grass or the silver vine.



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